Addiction to Pornography is a real problem in this country.  Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) does not identify this as a diagnosable issue the number of people I see in my office, presenting with the issue of not being able to manage their pornography viewing, makes it a very real clinical issue for treatment. I describe it as being a problem when an individual excessively views, downloads, or seeks out pornography.  For this individual pornography is causing problems in family life, relationships, work, or school.  When it becomes so unmanageable that the individual withdraws from other areas of life there is a problem. The main relationship becomes one with pornography making him or her unavailable in their relationships.

Sadly, our children are being exposed to pornography at the average age of 11,  usually before they have been sexualized.  I have seen children as young as ten who have pornography related issues. Chlidren first view porn when peers show it to them, when an adult is viewing porn with a child in the vicintiy, or when the child stumbles upon it while on the Internet. When a child is exposed to porn before they are ready to be sexualized they develop an unhealthy and unrealistic view of sexuality.  Intimacy with a person becomes next to impossible.

Once the brain has been exposed to porn it actively seeks more of it.  The effects of pornography on the brain are similar to the effects alcohol or drugs have on the brain.   Pornography feeds the pleasure parts of the brain making the individual crave more.

Viewing pornography becomes a release from life’s daily stressors.  It becomes an unhealthy way of coping with the world.  It allows the individual to escape overwhelming emotions in the same way alcohol, drugs, eating disordered behaviors, and gambling become unhealthy and addictive coping skills.  The problem grows when the individual acts impulsively and compulsively to view porn.

Addiction to pornography can exist alone or with other sexual acting out behaviors.  The brain becomes desensitized to the images being viewed leading the individual to seek more hard core, fantasy driven images.  The individual can become highly involved in this fantasy world leading to seeking out prostitutes, threesomes, bestiality and more and more.  When the individual attempts to bring this into the bedroom, within a relationship, it can be distressing for the partner.

Common problems that may develop with  porn addiction are:

  • Failed attempts to cease use
  • Spending exorbitant amounts of time viewing porn
  • Poor impulse control
  • Relational issues
  • objectifying others in a sexual manner.

Look at these stats!

The good news is porn addiction is treatable.  With support and a healthy plan for recovery many individuals are able to overcome this problem. By ceasing the behavior the brain will, overtime, re-set allowing the individual to return to a healthy and fulfilling life. Porn addiction can be difficult to deal with without professional help.  If this describes you or someone you love seek help.  The problem is a common one.  You don’t have to fight it alone.  Contact me to schedule an appointment.