PictureSet Your Intentions to Positive:

What does this mean?  I say it often, to myself and to others, especially on Mondays. I believe strongly in the power of the positive thought. I believe that we can work to change our negative thinking to positive.  No, we can’t change the past.  We can’t change any negativity that had previously blanketed us.  We can work to make the present a more positive experience by setting our intentions to positive, meaning if we think positively and set goals to be positive we will be positive.

Monday marks the beginning of the new work week.  The last week is behind us.  No matter how positive or negative it may have been.  By spending a few moments in positive thought or an hour in a positive walk or exercise we can set some goals and talk to ourselves about how we want the week ahead to proceed. We can also use this quiet time to reflect on setting some goals for ourselves for the week ahead.  Perhaps we want to set a goal to exercise five times this week, to eat right, to get enough sleep, to get together with some friends, do something kind for someone in need, to have some time for self-care.  Whatever it is that will help to make the week go more smoothly.

The next time you hear or see me suggesting to set your intentions to positive work on trying to do this to pave the way for a healthy and positive week.